Wednesday, 3 October 2012


They are every where at the moment so go pick them before the black birds eat them all.
we have been using them in ice cream or with our oxtail stew recipe but today I have a nice jelly recipe for you ....

Blackberry Jelly

400g blackberry
50-150g caster sugar you can also use veggie gel 
4 gelatine leaves

Put the blackberrys in a pan with a good splash of water and bring to a simmer. You don't want to actually cook them, just heat them enough to release their juices. Press down with the back of a spoon to help them burst and extract all the juice.
Sieve the juice into a jug and pour it back into the pan, heat gently and add the sugar in 50g amounts until the juice is sweet enough. Stir until the sugar dissolves. Soak the gelatine leaves in cold water for five minutes then lift them out and stir them into the warm juice. 

set in any pots or moulds you have ...